White Sand Beach Karangasem Bali Indonesia


White Sand Beach Karangasem Bali

White Sand Beach Karangasem Bali Indonesia

The distance of White Sand Beach Karangasem from Kuta approximately 2 hours. Access near shore also minimal. But it all paid off when she reached a very beautiful beach, the sea water color blend of blue and green shades, white sandy beaches are fine, clean and not too crowded. Poor access, in my opinion probably a good thing because it limits the number of visitors. You will be blessed with good food, local hospitality, friendly people beautiful surroundings.

White Sand Beach Karangasem Bali Indonesia
White sand beach karangasem is down the road from Candi Dasa. It's definitely worth the drive and spend the total day at the beach, relaxing on sun beds, drinking, eating and swimming in clear blue waters. we have a tendency to had lunch at one amongst the numerous building placed on to the waters and you've got to do their recent snapper. As there's no electricity on the beach, the food is braised flaming. There are folks that sell fresh coconuts and there also are stores to shop for garments if you wish. we have a tendency to found this beach reposeful as we weren't disturbed by folks making an attempt to sell us stuff. There have been quite a few rips after we were swimming.

White Sand Beach Karangasem Bali Indonesia

There are sun loungers, umbrellas, stalls and hawkers but not saturated as southern Bali. Clean water and provide some snorkeling, fishing and body surfing on a good day.

White Sand Beach Karangasem Bali Indonesia

The white sand beach is really nice with stunning hills rising rapidly at both ends, but there is pretty much junk. Fishing boats lined up on the south end of the beach is short, and stalls cram the northern end.
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